Staying Safe at the Chiropractor During COVID-19 (Phase I & II)
Now (Re)Open — Get Adjusted Chiropractic! As New York City begins to reopen businesses across the five boroughs, our team at Get Adjusted Chiropractic is excited to welcome new clients and familiar faces back into our office. It’s been several months since we’ve been able to treat our patients during this global pandemic safely. Dr. Justin Lewis and the team are energized about bringing you back into the office with the proper precautions and regulations — ensuring health and safety for everyone involved! Doctor’s offices across the nation, just like us, will be implementing new procedures to minimize the spread of COVID-19 while receiving crucial medical treatment. We want you to have safe, dependable access to your necessary Chiropractic care when visiting Get Adjusted Chiropractic!
One of the critical regulations put in place by healthcare providers will be pre-screening for any COVID-19 symptoms. The nature of Chiropractic care is a hands-on approach that does not exactly allow for physical distancing. At Get Adjusted Chiropractic, we want to ensure that both you and our team have not been exposed or are exhibiting any signs of illness. To do so, we may ask to speak on the phone or video chat before your appointment. Dr. Justin Lewis will also use this time to go over the objective of your visit to Get Adjusted Chiropractic so that your session can be as streamlined and safe as possible. “Pre-screening is a necessary tool to not only to keep you safe,” says Dr. Justin Lewis. “It’s essential to keep all of the other patients coming into the office that day safe as well.”
Waiting Rooms
To help all of our patients maintain social distancing, we have marked six-feet spots for keeping adequate space while in our waiting room. We have also rearranged and removed extra chairs in our waiting room at Get Adjusted Chiropractic so that all seating is six-feet apart! Minimizing time within a doctor’s office — even the Chiropractor! — is vital. Depending on the number of appointments scheduled for the day, we may request that our patients not arrive at their appointment no more than a few minutes ahead of the start time.
“Our receptionist, Penelope, may also take your payment or insurance information over the phone after your appointment,” says Dr. Justin Lewis. “Prior to the start of the visit, our team will also take all visitors’ temperatures and limit the waiting room to 1 patient at most.”
During Your Visit
Dr. Justin Lewis has devised several ways to provide the same high-quality Chiropractic care reliably. The actual Chiropractic session with Dr. Lewis will remain the same, with added precaution. “Keeping all of our patients healthy is incredibly important to us,” stresses Dr. Justin Lewis. “I will be wearing both a mask and gloves for every session which will be changed for each patient.” The visit will also focus just on the Chiropractic needs at hand — regular conversation about daily life outside of the patient’s complaint will be limited to reduce in-office time.
“All rooms are completely wiped down and sanitized after every single patient and every hour on the hour,” states Dr. Justin Lewis. “We also have a specialty cleaning crew coming in nightly to ensure that everything is disinfected properly.”
Proper Doctor’s Office Etiquette
It’s been significantly stressed since the beginning of the pandemic — we’re living in unprecedented times! Taking proper precautions to protect our patients is our highest priority. We ask that all visiting patients bring a clean mask to their appointment and wear it for the duration of the visit. We also ask that if you can attend your appointment with Dr. Justin Lewis alone that you do so. Attending alone reduces the number of people in the office at one time and traffic throughout the day. If there is a mobility or disability issue, we are happy to work with you to make sure you get the most out of your visit with Get Adjusted Chiropractic!
Prevent long term pain with Get Adjusted Chiropractic! Book an appointment online today or call our office at 845-809-8300 to schedule a visit with Dr. Justin Lewis.